E-Book: Radiant Women, & Bonuses
Immediate access to NATURAL HEALING For The Three Stages of Woman
Get instant access with this E-BOOK version of the popular print book. Learn the many natural healing secrets that have helped thousands of Wendy's patients and followers to THRIVE.
Does this sound a bit like you?
Feeling confused and overwhelmed - about where to get reliable, qualified, women's health expert help without breaking the bank
Period problems - anything from PMS, to Irregular or Heavy Periods,
Period Pain and Endometriosis, PCOS
Weight problems, Bloating, Migraines/Headaches in younger and older women
I know there are natural solutions to my challenges. I want to learn how to feel great, but I don't know where to start
At any age - moods up and down, irritable, tense, anxious, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems at any age
Problems with fertility, conceiving (valuable tip - it helps to harmonize hormones first)
Menopause challenges, from late 30's onwards. Anything from Hot Flushes, sweats, sleep, depression, overwhelm, over it!
This short video tells you what's in the Radiant Women book. On this page you get the E-Book (not the print book) - exactly the same content but in digital form. This means you can start reading immediately.
In Radiant Women, Wendy shares simple changes you can make to help you to flourish in mind, body, Spirit and Soul. It's not just about diet, lifestyle, herbs, but so much more.
You will LOVE this if you want to feel more liberated and 'in charge' of your wellness, and cherish learning a huge amount of Wise Women's Ways from a Master Herbalist, Healer, Women's Health practitioner. From menstruation to menopause and beyond you will learn HOW to feel so much better with the simple, safe and effective tips and tools here. Wendy knows from her decades of experience, that YOU can become Mistress of your own Health Destiny, when you understand HOW.
These cover hormone balancing diet, outside-the-square lifestyle hacks, charting your cycles, safe natural herbal and nutritional solutions, real women's stories, other experts tips, as well as a good dose of humour and wisdom.
Your E-book version, full colour, with all the content of the print book available 24/7 on this website for your immediate use.
Downloadable and printable blank charts from the book, so you can start your wellness journey right away.
Women specific and effective dietary, lifestyle, natural remedies, how to monitoring your own health, when to get help, charting signs and symtoms, body temperature, monthly variations 'real' women's stories and much more.
Mini E-Book: Boss Of Self - A Top Tip to help you Thrive
Bonus video #1 - How to go get a quick Energy Boost
Bonus video #2 - The Connection Between your Brain, Hormones, and Liver
Bonus video #3 - Know YOUR motivating reason to be well
YouTube Channel links - Natural Woman Network Health Smarts - so you can keep up to date with added content.
"...jam-packed with many tips and resources, plus a very useful contacts section. The tone and layout are fresh, friendly, easy to digest and interactive, with lots of room to record notes and observations. It is a go-to reference book for women I will be telling my women friends about" (Nadia Natijevic ,Elevateme.com).
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FREE PREVIEWOur YouTube Channels - Keep on learning.
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E-Book, Radiant Women - Your Digital Version
RW Nourishment record
RW signs symptoms
RW temp chart
VIDEO - Help your Brain, Liver and Hormone Balance
VIDEO - Quick Tip for Health Success - Know WHY you want to be well.
VIDEO - Energy Boost Quick Tip
Boss Of Self - #1 Tip to THRIVE - Your Gift E-Guide
Women's Body Talk Workshops
Wendy Dumaresq
Make sure you support yourself with on-going sharing from the Sisterhood.