Radiant Women is for YOU, when you have had enough of feeling tired, moody, fatigued and hormonal.

The simple, safe and effective healing treasures Wendy shares have helped thousands of girls and women, from Teens to Wise Women, feel more energised, happier and freer in natural ways.

You will LOVE this if you want to feel more liberated and 'in charge' of your wellness, and cherish learning a huge amount of Wise Women's Ways from a Master Herbalist, Healer, Women's Health practitioner. The learning from these tools can help you with so many issues arising from menstruation to menopause and beyond. You will enjoy the easy to follow and implement strategies. These cover hormone balancing diet, outside-the-square lifestyle hacks, charting your cycles, safe natural herbal and nutritional solutions, real women's stories, other experts tips, as well as a good dose of humour and wisdom. Wendy KNOWS you can become Mistress of your own Health Destiny, when you understand HOW.

Women's Health Educators shares....

Jane Bennett

Celebration Days For Girls. Menstrual Health Educator, Author, Natural Fertility Management Kits.

"...The Radiant Women book is a very welcome and comprehensive resource for all women. Easy to use, jam-packed with great information and a fun format, this is a book that offers women great tools they can easily access and implement ..."

8 reasons why so many women have chosen Radiant Women

Does this sound a bit like you?

  • Confusion and overwhelm - where to get reliable, qualified, women's health expert help without breaking the bank

  • Period problems - anything from PMS, to Irregular or Heavy Periods,

  • Period Pain and Endometriosis, PCOS

  • Weight problems, Bloating, Migraines/Headaches in younger and older women

  • I know there are natural solutions to my challenges. I want to learn how to feel great, but I don't know where to start

  • At any age - moods up and down, irritable, tense, anxious, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems at any age

  • Problems with fertility, conceiving (valuable tip - it helps to harmonize hormones first)

  • Menopause challenges, from late 30's onwards. Anything from Hot Flushes, sweats, sleep, depression, overwhelm, over it!

Why is the Radiant Women so life-enhancing ?

One reason is that you will have it as a legacy to share for generations to come, and...

Your Radiant Women book package includes...

A signed print copy delivered to your door, whatever country you live in, PLUS

  • The E-book version, available on this site, that you can start your Well Woman Journey immediately, while you await your full colour, signed copy

  • Downloadable and printable blank charts from the book, to start using right away.

  • Mini E-Book: Boss Of Self - A Top Tip to help you Thrive

  • Bonus video #1 - How to go get a quick Energy Boost

  • Bonus video #2 - The Connection Between your Brain, Hormones, and Liver

  • Bonus video #3 - Know YOUR motivating reason to be well

Professional review

A topic of deep importance

Australian Traditional Medicine Society Journal (2018)

".....guides women in the crucial project of achieving for themselves their highest possible states, from their first menstrual period to life after Menopause... Recommended to both the general public and to practitioners who have patients dealing with reproductive health issues. It contains a great deal of specialised information, clearly and sympathetically presented on a topic of deep importance..."

You will absolutely LOVE Radiant Women if

you are ready to learn how to feel fab rather than fatigued, inspired and informed rather than ignored. No longer will you be resigned to your fate of hormonal havoc.

Nadia Natijevic (Elevateme.com) shares "...jam-packed with many tips and resources, plus a very useful contacts section. The tone and layout are fresh, friendly, easy to digest and interactive, with lots of room to record notes and observations. It is a go-to reference book for women I will be telling my women friends about"

Radiant Women pack inclusions

for the gal who wants to get results

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome and How to receive your book.

    • How to use this Site

    • Anti-Inflammatory Diet Summary

    • RW Nourishment record

    • RW signs symptoms

    • RW temp chart

    • E-Book, Radiant Women - Your Digital Version

  • 3

    Let's get started!

    • VIDEO - Help your Brain, Liver and Hormone Balance

    • VIDEO - Quick Tip for Health Success - Know WHY you want to be well.

    • VIDEO - Energy Boost Quick Tip

  • 4

    Next Steps...

    • Boss Of Self - #1 Tip to THRIVE - Your Gift E-Guide

    • Women's Body Talk Workshops

About the author

Wendy Dumaresq

My journey to become a qualified and specialised Herbalist, Natural Fertility Management Counsellor and Ayurveda traditional massage practitioner, author and speaker focusing on women’s health concerns has been extremely rewarding and enjoyable. I was a young mum when this part of my journey started, with a newborn and was very, very ill....... In fact, I was basically told to ‘get my affairs in order‘ as it seemed that conventional medicine could not do much for me. Thankfully I had the support of a wonderful doctor at the time who suggested I see a herbalist/naturopath – ‘a what?’ I said, having never heard of that term before. So ensued a big change of career, a life-saving decision to study and practice natural medicine and I have never looked back. CONSULTATIONS: Available Australia and Internationally.

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