Three Powerful Mind/Body/Spirit Hacks to Boost Your Energy, Mood, Health & Happiness

Shared with you by Three Wise Women Healers, to help you navigate tough times, & to keep you moving in a high energy direction

If you are feeling blocked, out of sorts, low in motivation, and your health and mindset is suffering, you are not alone at the moment. In this Masterclass, we have combined our energy and experience to present you with some simple, profound and easy-to-implement solutions.

What Others Are Saying

Powerful Healing Shifts

Judy Humphreys - Energy Healing Facilitator

I have had Personal Ecology sessions ... and found these sessions were not only calming but went deep into the emotional and subconscious patterns ... quite powerful healing shifts occurring. Wendy is such an inspiration, and I am so grateful for she facilitates healing to many parts of my life.

Three Wise Women have your back!

Powerful, yet simple strategies that you can use right now, and every day of your life to thrive rather than just survive

  • Wendy Dumaresq - Activated Deep Personal Ecology (DPE) Introduction and why it is so important to have harmony with Mind/Body/Spirit

  • Michelle Davidson - Hypnosis session to help let go of the past and move into the future with more ease and greace

  • Shelley Obermoser - Providing the 'sweet spot' where Self-Image, Mind-set and Self-Care merge.

BONUS Material

Because we want to keep you moving into your best health and happiness, you will find two more additions to your Masterclass.

  • Bonus #1 - Inspiring Sister Story

    It's always inspiring and motivating to hear other women's stories of overcoming adversity and health challenges. Jude, one of our NWN Sisterhood members shares with you her experience of achieving her best health and happiness.

  • Bonus #2 - How to make REAL herb tea

    Making REAL herbal infusions (NOT teabags) is simple when you know how. It's also an enjoyable ritual as well as giving health benefits. Join Wendy as she demonstrates the steps involved.

  • PLUS - 24/7 access to your content

    Whether you are using your mobile device or your laptop, you can keep inspired as you access your Masterclass, material 24/7 on this platform.

Feel more confident, inspired, motivated, & live with more harmony your life.

"Your health is about much more than your physical condition. Learning simple, powerful ways to keep your mindset supporting your goals with health and life is imperative" Wendy Dumaresq, Natural Woman Network.

If you ever wanted to dip your toe into the Natural Woman Network water, this is such a great starting point.

Masterclass content

Introduction, 3 Parts, plus Bonuses

  • 1

    Welcome to your Masterclass -

    • WELCOME - Masterclass : 3 Mind Power Hacks To Boost Your Energy, Mood & Happiness

    • Masterclass - INTRODUCTION : Meet Your Three Wise Women Healers

    • How to use this course

    • CONTACT - Natural Woman Network

    • Terms & Conditions

  • 2

    Your Masterclass Content

    • Masterclass Part 1 - Wendy, Deep Personal Ecology (DPE)

    • Masterclass Part 2 - Hypnotherapy session - Michelle

    • Masterclass Part 3 - Mindset, Image and Self-care - Shelley

    • BONUS #1 (Audio)- Inspiring Sister Story - from the Sisterhood

    • BONUS #2 -(Video) From Herbal Medicine Secrets - How to make REAL Herbal Teas