Your Sisterhood - Natural Woman Network 

....Join us, hit the SUBSCRIBE  button on the banner.

Join the global Sisterhood, where we help you sort out the FLUFF from the FACTS, what's SAFE and what's a WASTE of time and money based on our Guest Expert Inspirers and my decades of clinical health experience in women's and family health.

It's easy to join, just scroll to the banner at the top of this page and hit subscribe.

This is the Hood to be in at any age and stage of your life. Enjoy meeting like-minded-sisters as you discover valuable ways to help yourself THRIVE more and struggle less with your health and wellbeing.   

What's in store for you in The Sisterhood?

You will discover a treasure trove of self-healing tips and tools which have helped my thousands of my patients to experience optimal health and energy,  including:

** NEW Masterclass - 3 Mind-Power Hacks to help you to Boost your Health, Happiness, Mood, and Energy. To be commenced  16th August 2021. 

** How to make and use some of your own herbal and natural remedies in safe and enjoyable ways

** Some vital secrets to feeling better with your period, menopause, Wise Women's years 

** Many strategies to help yourself to better general health, energy, mood, and mind 

** Simple and easy to implement sustainable living strategies 

** How to feel more confident in your ability to experience your best health

** Your own private Members Only Facebook group to connect with and nourish yourselves and others.

You also have recordings from

** Guest Inspirers and Sister Stories

** Specific topics relating to women's health and wellness 

** Monthly uploads of video/audio recordings where we talk about your Q and A, and topics that our members are curious about.

All in the company of your like-minded Sisters from the convenience of your own home.

PLUS discounts for selected products, events, and programs. 

"...Guides women in the crucial project of achieving for themselves their highest possible states, from their first menstrual period to life after Menopause..." Australian Traditional Medicine Society Journal. 


As a Founding Sister Member, your monthly investment is locked in for the life of this member's community.  When the monthly price rises, yours will stay at $28.

AND, you can opt-out any time you wish - but I know you will want to stay with us for the great value you receive.

To join your Sisterhood, just scroll to the banner at the very top of this page and click on the Subscribe button.

Avoid the confusion and overwhelm so many women are drowning in.....

Some of the biggest challenges women tell me they grapple with are feelings of isolation, overwhelm, confusion about HOW to feel better, and HOW to be strong and resilient to help live their best lives. There seems to be so much conflicting information, magic bullet promises around health issues - much of it not even from qualified and experienced practitioners.

This is the place to be if you want to learn, grow and develop your health, happiness, and well-being the natural way with the help of knowledge sharing from experts in their fields as well as be part of a community of awesome like-minded women. 

Unfortunately, way too many women crumble under the pressures of life and experience poor health, low self-esteem, depression, menopause, and menstruation problems as well as other health challenges.  Sometimes this is due to a lack of knowledge about safe, timely, and effective strategies for their wellbeing and health.  

Please don't make this your story.  

It's time to bust the myth that being a woman often means experiencing poor quality health, low energy & mood, disappearing brain function, feeling frumpy and frazzled, pain and discomfort from hormonal havoc, and puzzling chronic conditions.  

This is definitely is not the norm for the women I have assisted with their health and well-being and does not have to be your reality either. 

Don't miss out on becoming a Natural Woman Network FOUNDING Member and being part of a global community -  for little more than the cost of little more than a late a week.  

AND  remember

*****Founding Member Sisters will have this locked in introduction membership rate for the life of the membership community. 

To join your Sisterhood, just scroll to the banner at the very top of this page and click on the button.

 As you look around for some sort of community to help with navigating better health and happiness in these often turbulent years you find that there is SO much conflicting information that you just end up feeling frustrated, despondent, overwhelmed and confused? 

Join us, a Sisterhood Who Believes it is OUR RIGHT to Feel Fabulous rather than Fagged! 

Fellow Sister Gals, Vikki (front), and Ayesha (left) with Wendy.

 YOU can learn the treasures of natural solutions to help you achieve the

 BEST Energy, Health, and Happiness from the comfort and convenience of your own space.

WHY is this Membership and the Inclusions so important for YOU?

I know from your feedback and decades of clinical practice experience that on-going guidance, support, and knowledge sharing is the BEST way to move forward into better Health, Energy, and Happiness for the years to come. 

** I Guarantee that you will ONLY be billed on a monthly basis, which means you are not locked in permanently.  

** YOU can OPT OUT at any time and your payments will cease after you cancel your subscription and your current monthly payment period has ended. This means you can be happy to be part of the Sisterhood but not chained to the wall !!

CONTACT MY OFFICE - But, heck, we want you to stay and enjoy the journey with us, so make sure you let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. Make sure you ask any questions and  Email ME

Join us NOW, just go to the top of the banner at the top of the page and click on the Subscribe button

I can't wait to Co-Create with YOU.  Looking forward to seeing YOU on the inside. 

Best wishes,
Wendy Dumaresq

As a natural medicine women’s health provider and traditionally trained herbalist with nearly three decades of combined study and clinical practice, my mission is to share natural and safe, inspiring, and empowering solutions for women of all ages.  

I KNOW that when you have the support, information, and appropriate therapies you can hugely improve your vitality, energy, and enjoyment of life and put in place strategies that help you to keep feeling much better throughout your life.

My journey to become a qualified and experienced Herbalist, Natural Fertility Management Counsellor, and Ayurveda traditional massage practitioner, author, and speaker focusing on women’s health concerns have been extremely rewarding and enjoyable.   I was a young mum when this part of my journey started, with a newborn and was very, very ill.  In fact, I was basically told to ‘get my affairs in order‘ as it seemed that conventional medicine could not do much for me.  

Thankfully I had the support of a wonderful doctor at the time who suggested I see a herbalist/naturopath – ‘a what?’  I said, having never heard of that term before.  So ensued a big change of career, a life-saving decision to study and practice natural medicine and I have never looked back.

Group Programs Available Australia and Internationally.


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Natural Woman Network Members Sisterhood

    • Welcome - How to Get The Most From Your Membership

    • NWN Story - How Near Death Became My Inspiration To Serve You.

    • NWN Sisterhood Members - Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement

    • Contact Us

    • Safety - Herbs That Heal, Herbs That Harm

    • NWN Community Outreach Program PLUS Other small businesses we support

    • Member Discounts and Benefits

    • Download your Boss Of Self E-Book

    • Sisterhood Private FB Group

  • 2

    Wendy Shares - What's Important Now ... Sisterhood Updates.

    • Wendy Shares - A Special Time For Humanity - 23rd March 2023.

  • 3

    Herbal Healers

    • Herbal Decoction -= How to make a REAL Dandelion Root Decoction

    • Nasturtium - Part 1 of 2

    • Nasturtium Part 2.

    • Warming Spice - Herbal decoction

    • Community Gardens - A Treasure Trove of Plant Healers

    • Garlic Infused Oil - Part 1

    • Garlic Infused Oil - Part 2

    • Sage - Salvia officinalis

    • Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium

    • Calendula - Gladdens the Eye, Heals us inside and out.

    • Rosemary - a simple drying technique

    • Rosemary - an introduction

    • Two Herbalists talk about two relaxing herb teas.

    • Herb hack - Aloe Vera

    • Stress Relief - 4 Herbs to sooth and strengthen, plus BONUS content from our Herbal Medicine Secrets Q & A

    • Research Matters - Dandelion Leaf as an example

    • How to make a REAL Herbal Tea/Infusion

  • 4

    Your Home Health Spa - Self-Healing for Mind, Body & Spirit

    • Week 1, Part 1 - How to raise your Energy & Mood with Self-Healing, Self-Love for your Mind, Body, Spirit

    • Boss of Self ebook 2020

    • NWN Heavenly Feet Treat ebook

    • Week 1, Part 2 - Guest Inspirer, Annabel Mason & Her 3 Top Tips for Thriving in Challenging times.

    • Home Day Spa #2 Week - Ella Dance & Movement Therapy Session (audio)

    • Breathwork Session - Gifted from Annabel Mason

  • 5

    Mindset & Mindfulness

  • 6

    Guest Inspirers - Recordings

    • Alex, Jesse & The Enki Apothecary, & My Apothecary Story

    • Mel - Women's Cermonies and Resilience

    • How a Tree-Change Led Dan & Kerrie to be bio-dynamic farmers

    • Horticulture & Herbalism - Introducing Christopher Smith

    • Natural Fertility - Conception. Jane Bennett NFM Kits

    • Dylan Smith - Ayurveda, Women's Banana Treatment, Panchakarma

    • Ella, Dance & Movement Therapy. Melbourne University

  • 7

    Sister Stories

    • Share your Story

    • Sophie Small - Passion for Nature

    • Judy - Healing Journey Learning Gifts

  • 8

    MASTERCLASS - 3 Mind-Power Hacks To Boost Your Energy, Mood & Health

    • Masterclass - Introduction

    • Massterclass Part 1 - Wendy, DPE

    • Masterclass Part 2 - Hypnosis Benefits & Session - Michelle

    • Masterclass Part 3 - Self-Image & Mindset. Shelley

    • Shelley's Ebook - 5 Simple, Powerful Language Secrets

  • 9

    Menopause Myths Video's

    • #1 Menopause Myth - How Age is not really that important.

    • Midlife & Older Health Interview

    • Women's Body Talk (TM) Workshops

    • Women's Body Talk (TM)

  • 10

    Women's BodyTalk (TM)

    • Why Women's BodyTalk (TM)?

    • Women's BodyTalk - How it can help your be in charge of your life and health.

    • Women's BodyTalk (TM) Workshops poster

  • 11

    The Monday Monthlies recordings

    • Monday Mondays - Link and information

    • Monday Monthlies #1 - Immune System

    • Monday Monthlies #2 - Nip Colds and Flus in the Bud

    • Monday Monthlies #3 - Your Observations and how this can help tame your hormones, help your energy, mood and well-being at any age

    • Monday Monthlies - Your Q and A, July 2020

  • 12


    • Fermented Food - Simple Saurkraut & Daikon Radish ferment

    • Low Allergy Living - Introduction *1 - How to know if you have food intolerances, what to do about it.

    • Low Allergy Living -Introduction #2, Introduction #2 Gluten-Free

    • Low Allergy Living, Introduction #3 - Gluten-free products, some hidden dangers

    • Low Allergy Living, Deeper dive, Part 1 - - Avoid the hidden dangers of Gluten-free products

    • Seed & Nut Loaf - Gluten, Dairy, Sugar free delicious alternative.

    • Low Allergy Living - Dairy Free

  • 13

    Body Structure, Movement & Exercise

    • Nitric Oxide Dump for boosting energy

    • How your SPINE can affect your IMMUNE system

  • 14

    Spirit & Soul

    • Meditation audio

    • Earth Medicine - Quick Tip to improve energy, mood, sleep

  • $46.00

    $46.00Radiant Women Book - Print, E-Book & Bonuses

    Buy Now